El Príncipe

El Príncipe - Nicolás Maquiavelo - Akal
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 158.8 g
Soft cover

In the harsh moments of his confinement in San Casciano, accused of conspiracy against the Medici, Machiavelli composed this treaty of political doctrine with the aim of both achieving the favor of those who had deprived him of his liberty and recovering his former employment as foreign minister. to be useful to Florence. In "The Prince" he collected his reflections, personal experiences and historical examples designed to build on solid foundations the power of the future ruler, a prince who carried out the dream of Julius II: the liberation of Italy from the "barbarians". And he dedicated it to Lorenzo de 'Medici. His reputation as a perverse book, manual of despots, and the controversial interpretation not yet closed on the true purpose and meaning of his words explain the fascination that this work continues to cause centuries after its publication.


Book: El Príncipe

ISBN: 9788446031420
Precio de lista: $270.00
Descuento: 20%