El tiempo y la historia

Una visión india

El tiempo y la historia - Álvaro Enterría - Olañeta
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Classical Indian culture views time and history very differently from the modern technological world. A cyclical conception of time and a vision of history subordinated to eternity can open enlightening perspectives in these moments of unique thought.

The modern West gives great prominence to "History," where it largely locates the essence and meaning of humanity. Classical India, on the other hand, does not see history but the manifestation, in innumerable forms, of archetypes located on another plane, for which reason it has not been interested in memorizing the succession of concrete events.

Instead of conceiving time as rectilinear and neutral, as in the scientific view, India sees it as cyclical. Time can only be measured from natural cycles, so it is logical that it adopts a cyclical form at all levels. One of these cycles is made up of four eras (known in Greco-Ro...read more


Book: El tiempo y la historia

ISBN: 9788497161268
Precio de lista: $305.00
Descuento: 25%