El viento ligero en Parma

El viento ligero en Parma - Enrique Vila-Matas - Sexto Piso
Publisher name: 
Sexto Piso
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There are writers who confuse themselves with literature itself, which unfold in a physical self and metaphorical self, made up of words, phrases that have been written down through time by other writers, all of whom are represented by Kien, the man Book that inhabits Auto of faith, that monumental novel of Elias Canetti. And precisely Enrique Vila-Matas is one of those men who wander lightly around the world. The light wind in Parma is a journey through literature, whose guide, more than Vila-Matas himself, is the certainty of his literary consciousness, memory and knowledge. This set of essays, stories and reflections on writers, books, films, anecdotes and places, is a circular route through the edge of the border that separates fiction from reality, where fiction and reality are confused, where fiction and Reality is life itself. Vila-Matas tells us with a soft and casual prose hi...read more

Category: All >> Literature >> Literary essay

Book: El viento ligero en Parma

ISBN: 9788493520458
Precio de lista: $340.00
Descuento: 15%