Elogio del conflicto

Elogio del conflicto - Paolo Fabbri - Sequitur
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

“For Paolo Fabbri, the sign does not exist on its own, but always in relation to others, in full dialogism. Or, to say it with Yuri Lotman, the sign is a translation of another sign. Far from the utopian perfect language, with its return to Eden, Fabbri advocates a deepening of the Babel-like that exalts differences, translations, errors and conflict. From this point of view, consensus, agreement is presented as a provisional truce, as a pause within the conflict.
Paolo Fabbri (Rimini, 1939) is one of the main participants in the development of semiotics from its origins, having worked with Umberto Eco at the University of Bologna, with Algirdas Greimas at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris and as founder of the Centro Internazionale di Semiotica at the University of Urbino.

Category: All >> Linguistics

Book: Elogio del conflicto

ISBN: 9788415707486
Precio de lista: $455.00
Descuento: 25%