Estado, democracia y políticas públicas con enfoque de derechos humanos

Apuntes teóricos

Estado, democracia y políticas públicas con enfoque de derechos humanos -  AA.VV. - Itaca
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Weight: 350 g

The general objective of this succinct work leads us to ask questions such as the following: Is the State sufficient to guarantee democracy and human rights? What type of State and democracy is needed to guarantee rights, and which rights? What type of State actions, that is, public policies, are necessary to give reality and affordability to both democracy and human rights? Is the unity and stability of the State above individual or group human rights? What characteristics must the State, democracy and public policies have to satisfy rights?

We share these concerns with the reader hoping that they lead them to reflect on the role of the State and the actions that it must take to address the dynamics of today's society, a problem to which this work aims to respond.

This research reviews a selection of the most important contributions in the literature on the subject, more

Category: All >> Ciencias sociales >> Política

Book: Estado, democracia y políticas públicas con enfoque de derechos humanos

ISBN: 9786072821156