"« Studies »must be understood in the
painters sense: "study of a hand", "study of the head of
an old man ", etc. In other words, here we only find texts
self-employed, who are not part of any group. However, all who have the same way, and all have as a resource a single problem: the world of the world.
These studies are seven. They go, so to speak, from Socrates to Socrates,
as they start with a reading from Jean-Toussaint Desanti and close
with reflections on the Phaedo. The first three are grouped under the title "The Masters" and the concierge, Desanti, Heidegger and Lacan. Under the title of "Archipolitics" it is
then an isolated study, which made some noise in its time and
I daresay it is becoming more and more current: "The 1930s are before us." Then you will see a couple of notions: "See and paint", a text about the visual and in...read more