Ética del profesorado

Ética del profesorado - Francisco Esteban Bara - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 198.4 g
Rustic with flaps

The ethics of teachers that is presented here focuses on the good educational and personal influence that a teacher can exert on students and produces worthy and admirable results, confirming the task of the good educator as something irreplaceable and vital. We need teachers who know how to explain things they know, who are up-to-date in new technologies and innovative teaching strategies and who, in addition, motivate students and behave in a responsible, fair, respectful and empathetic manner. In short, we need professional experts who comply with the deontology of the teaching profession. And yet, are the teachers we need only that? Is it enough to have knowledge and technique and to respect certain ethical principles? Something tells us no: we also need that teachers know how to teach beyond the academic level, that they make education a wonderful humanizing adventure; an authent...read more


Book: Ética del profesorado

ISBN: 9788425441660
Precio de lista: $520.00
Descuento: 30%