"If we could hear the future, this would be its voice. Gabriela Jauregui has made time speak: through the voices in the commune, the story of loss and absence is gestated while the trench of last resistance is raised: the language, the testimony».
Emiliano Monge
«Feral is a Greek tragedy brought to the femicide present in Mexico and it is also the story of four friends who discover each other, party, politicize, organize: they share... Gabriela Jauregui's first novel —like everything she writes— is a combination of talent, intelligence, empathy, a deep political commitment and an expansive charisma.
Brenda Lozano
On day 0 or The Worst Day, Diana receives a call: Eugenia, her friend, her sister, was murdered.
The life of the commune, the space formed by four friends and inhabited by their itinerant extended circles, comes to us like the echo of an explo...read more