"I think I have found - Freud writes to Lou Andreas Salomé, on May 10, 1925 - something fundamental for our questions that I provisionally retain for myself." And several years later, on January 2, 1938, he announced: "I am inclined to believe" that what I am going to communicate is "something completely new and surprising."
What is it about? Of the Spaltung and the Verleugnung.
On this occasion, we have those manuscripts - and some letters to his disciples - that, according to Freud, give an account of "something new" and "fundamental." Also, from four minutes of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society - for different reasons not known in the Spanish language - that include two brief clinical histories, and from extensive correspondence - mostly unpublished - with details of a practically unknown case of its practice: a young American whom the editors name A.B. Thus, the value ...read more