Filosofía de la historia para la educación de la humanidad

Filosofía de la historia para la educación de la humanidad - Johann Gottfried von Herder - Nova
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Soft cover

THE PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY FOR THE EDUCATION OF HUMANITY is a controversial book. Hostile to the rationalism of the Enlightenment era, Herder directed his darts mainly against Voltaire and, no less violently, against the image of the past drawn in his historical works by Hume, Robertson and Iselin. He censures in all of them the narrowness of his horizon, the one-sidedness of his interpretations based exclusively on the experiences and ideals of the present, the blindness to the values of feeling, the insensitivity to perceive the poetic, the primitive, the popular.

A precursor book. It contributes, to a great extent, to the formation of historical consciousness, to awakening the sense of individuality and the meaning of evolution. He very happily associates the vision of the continuity of the course of time with the peculiar character of each epoch and each people.

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Book: Filosofía de la historia para la educación de la humanidad

ISBN: 2019000200000