In wood hens two texts converge around two of the great writers of the twentieth century: Bohumil Hrabal and Alain Robbe-Grillet. In the first one, entitled "On the beaches of Montauk the flies grow more of the account", a Man tests the lysergic acid in the city of Berlin, and is disappointed in the Alexanderplatz when considering that he has just been subject to a scam. Suddenly a woman with a dog in her arms passes, opening her jaw in a huge way, and then realizes that she may not have been as deluded as she thought. At that moment some birds of prey burst into their heads, enslaving a man who has been offered them voluntarily; This story would be part of Wooden Hens, the text of Hrabal that was left unfinished after it was thrown out the window of the mental institution where he spent his last years secluded. Hrabal's delirium mixes with that of the narrator and the birds, to the more