Gargantúa y Pantagruel

Gargantúa y Pantagruel - François Rabelais - Acantilado
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The prestige of Rabelais has been built on its irresistible and exceptional comedy, but the truth is that it was a humanist who sought to combine the classical and Christian traditions in a third, to the pursuit of an ideal type of guy who will definitely steer clear of reasoning abstract and "cream" of the scholastics of the Sorbonne, the reunion with the warmth of the human. If Rabelais, doctor, was admired by his contemporaries as a man of great erudition able to write in Latin and Greek, his novels made him a very popular writer who amused himself by blowing up the language with puns and extravagant reasoning, in a world dominated by giants and cretins, drunks and liars. The difficulties of understanding that often illegible these novels have been saved with a presentation notes that open each chapter, in which satirized realizes the subject and the circumstances of the same more


Book: Gargantúa y Pantagruel

ISBN: 9788415277439
Precio de lista: $1,795.00
Descuento: 25%