For some reason, Ezra Pound looked around and thought in 1938 that European culture was going to hell. His reaction resulted in an impotent roar against nightfall: publishing guide kultura (with "K" Ezra loved the old spell words phonetically when adopted mask quirky Uncle Ez, sitting on the porch, chewing snuff and distributing corn muffins).
Kultura Guide has no internal consistency, as he acknowledges pleased, "the reader may say that writing this quick key and my speech just jumps from one point to another without connection or sequence. Yet the speech is complete. All the elements are there and the nastiest addicted to crosswords should be able to solve it. "However we recognize that the poet undoubtedly one of the biggest kooks in the world, was also a man of profound learning and a great artist. This work, though scattered, oozes wit, from a distorted point of view. Ezra...read more