Guía de supervivencia del existencialista

Cómo vivir auténticamente en una época inauténtica

Guía de supervivencia del existencialista - Gordon de Marino - Ibero
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Soft cover

Soren Kierkegaard, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre and other prominent figures of existentialism realized that human beings are, at bottom, creatures of changing temperament, exposed to a series of psychological adversities, crises of faith, illusions, and many other emotional ups and downs. This adventurous group of thinkers, rather than considering moods as afflictions to be treated with medication, believed that these were lasting lessons on how to live a whole life and helped us recognize the inner spark that could inspire spiritual development and personal transformation. If we listen to Kierkegaard and company, how we deal with these feelings determines who we are, how we act, and ultimately the kind of life we lead. This text redefines the practical advice that existentialism offers for this twenty-first century: from dealing with anguish, depression, despair and death, more


Book: Guía de supervivencia del existencialista

ISBN: 9786074177688
Precio de lista: $330.00
Descuento: 10%