Hijas e hijos de madres resilientes

Hijas e hijos de madres resilientes - Jorge Barudy - Gedisa
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"[...] The population displacement likely to be a huge problem in the century just born [...] At the initial tear that expelled them from their countries other traumas are added ceaselessly: bereavement, misery, humiliation administrative, academic failure, the difficulty of integration through work. How to help these people rebuild their shattered selves? [...] Despite the first wound, which bled successive tears incessantly, Jorge Barudy and his team attempt the adventure of resilience.
Boris Cyrulnik
Good treatment in childhood, and ensure the full development of personality, contribute to the emergence of an autonomous, able to reproduce in their environment situation "bientratante" who has lived small subject. Thus, in addition to establishing healthy ties with others, you can rely on itself and its possibilities to provide love and affection and thus contribute to an...read more


Book: Hijas e hijos de madres resilientes

ISBN: 9788497841177
Precio de lista: $625.00
Descuento: 20%