Historia de la literatura jalisciense en el siglo XIX

Historia de la literatura jalisciense en el siglo XIX - Magdalena González Casillas - Pollo blanco
Publisher name: 
Pollo blanco

Contemporary Mexican literature cannot be understood or evoked without having drunk, from one generation to another, from that source that was the Jalisco literature of the 19th century. The richness and diversity of its editorial movement, reflected in many newspapers and magazines, the significance and influence of its authors, editors and translators (such as Puga y Acal, Salado Álvarez, Pérez Verdia, Robles Gil, among many others), as well as the vibrant cultural life animated by said protagonists of Mexican literature, made the 19th century a foundational century for the movements, books, playwrights, poets and storytellers that would come to mark literature in Mexico throughout the 20th century.

History of Jalisco literature in the 19th century reappears in this new edition considering the current generations of readers, scholars, university students and critics of Mexica...read more

Category: All >> Literature >> Literary essay

Book: Historia de la literatura jalisciense en el siglo XIX

ISBN: 9786079619589