Historia del alma

Antigüedad, Edad Media, Siglo de Oro

Historia del alma - Guillermo Serés - Galaxia Gutenberg
Publisher name: 
Galaxia Gutenberg
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

If there is a soul and, what the soul is, if there is, they are questions to which thinkers, doctors, writers... have tried to give a valid answer. From Homer to Descartes the idea of soul has served to designate the set of sensations, images and memories, joys and sorrows, illusions or hopes, as well as to name the most sublime ideals and the lowest passions, emotions or the instinct of defense and survival, which Guillermo Serés' book illustrates with abundant testimonies. The term 'soul' has also traditionally served to name the divine or celestial part of the human being, its transcendent substance, imperishable or immortal, because it will last beyond the decomposition and disappearance of the body. Precisely because we are aware that we are to die, the soul is also, and most especially, the consciousness of death. Throughout this volume, the evolution of the concept from Greco-R...read more


Book: Historia del alma

ISBN: 9788417355814
Precio de lista: $875.00
Descuento: 25%