
Iluminaciones - Arthur Rimbaud - Editorial fontamara
Publisher name: 
Editorial fontamara
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

The teacher described the young man as a little affected, judicious and sweet, but Arthur Rimbaud then said of himself that he had no heart.

He called her sexual preference of her secret vice and confessed to know her since he had a use of reason.

He affirmed that in Greece the verses Ritmaban the action and that there have only been idiot generations of lawyers and versators who have accumulated products of dead intelligence, and that the old imbeciles never found the true meaning of being.

He intended to be seerly disarraying the senses and experiencing all the forms of love, suffering and madness until all the poisses are exhausted to keep quintessence from them and become the great damn and the supreme wise. He also stimulated his will with absinthe and hashish to stand in the crap.

Verlaine, who already had a literary prestige, endorsed the prodigious more


Book: Iluminaciones

ISBN: 9786077362128
Precio de lista: $105.00
Descuento: 15%