Imágenes primigenias de la religión griega

Imágenes primigenias de la religión griega - Karl Kerényi - Sexto Piso
Publisher name: 
Sexto Piso
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 650 g

"Kerényi shows an admirable mastery of tragic themes: the titanic rebellion, divine punishment, immortality and suffering, divine justice and the ambiguous human condition."
Carlos Garcia Gual, Babelia?

«Karl Kerényi belongs to the most select group of scholars of Greek mythology in the last century».
Ignacio F. Garmendia, Diario de Sevilla

Primal Images of Greek Religion is an essential work that shows us the best Kerényi, erudite and shrewd, and offers us a journey that is as didactic as it is exciting through various themes and aspects of mythology and the archaic cults of Ancient Greece. Either carrying out a fascinating analysis of the figure of Asclepius, son of Apollo and deity of medicine, and in turn tracing a kind of prehistory of the medical profession; either by studying the elusive Hermes in his facet as a psychopomp and in his relationship with more


Book: Imágenes primigenias de la religión griega

ISBN: 9788419261168
Precio de lista: $550.00
Descuento: 15%