Introducción a la lógica jurídica

Introducción a la lógica jurídica - Eduardo García Máynez - Editorial fontamara
Publisher name: 
Editorial fontamara
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 304 g

In this work, García Máynez exposes the supreme logical-legal principles, but does not follow the order adopted in the logic manuals. The first part of the book exposes "The supreme principles of legal logic" and the second deals with "Legal axiomatics"; in them he analyzes: the legal principles of contradiction and the excluded third party; the systematic study of cases of contradictory opposition between legal norms; the principles of sufficient reason and identity; the ontological foundation of the supreme legal-logical principles; the rules of conduct; the subjective right; the legal and the illegal; as well as the positive definition of the right to freedom and the abuse of the right, dealing finally with the legal axiomatics.

Since the legal doctrine is as rigorous and scientific as formal logic, the author exhaustively and systematically exposes the capital axioms of more


Book: Introducción a la lógica jurídica

ISBN: 9786077360933
Precio de lista: $265.00
Descuento: 15%