Introducción a una política del hombre

Introducción a una política del hombre - Edgar Morin - Gedisa
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Can progress of our species the properly human? Considering that humanity must constantly cultivated, is there a political awareness of the importance of this task? Or are we doomed to continue surrounded with all sorts of technological advances without having a chance to mature as human beings?  Although the greatest political achievement of modernity can be seen in the Declaration of Human Rights, successive political models, whether socialist or liberal, have forgotten the human being.  The political environment is more than ever besieged by various speeches, of science, of morality, of biology and of daily events. At the mercy of them, the political sphere is in danger of private stay on their task and their genuine responsibility that Edgar Morin defined as anthropocentric policy. This book proposes principles for a new type of multidimensional policy, which should redirect more


Book: Introducción a una política del hombre

ISBN: 9788474329025
Precio de lista: $580.00
Descuento: 20%