Ironía y destino

La filosofía secreta de Soren Kierkegaard

Ironía y destino - Fernando Pérez Borbujo - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 272 g
Rustic with flaps

Philosopher and theologian, unclassifiable and controversial personality, Kierkegaard continues to be a reference for almost all contemporary thinkers. Two hundred years after his birth, the meaning of his work is a mystery, as if it were impossible to find its secret. And it could be said that his is a "philosophy of secrecy", as exercised, in full consciousness, hermetic philosophy. Thus, as in the case of Heráclito, has led to an enormous production hermeneutic interpretations varied and sometimes contradictory. The truth is that is attracting the interest, even in a society dechristianized, godless, atheist and idealist nothing like the present, and the contemporary look it has found new aspects previously hidden or relegated to a second term.

This volume, prefaced and edited by Fernando Pérez-Borbujo, seeks to publicize these new aspects. In it, some of the most renowned more


Book: Ironía y destino

ISBN: 9788425430862
Precio de lista: $960.00
Descuento: 30%