Jane Goodall

La mejor amiga de los chimpancés y de la naturaleza

Jane Goodall - Javier Alonso López - Shackleton
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Hard cover

Dream giant just like Jane Goodall, the best friend of chimpanzees and nature, did.
When she was little, Jane Goodall was given a stuffed chimpanzee, and it changed her life. Since then, her curiosity about primates has only grown. After years fantasizing about Tarzan of the jungle, she got the opportunity she had been waiting for: traveling to the heart of Africa to study them. What was supposed to be a trip of a few months became her destiny for her entire life. With her research, she showed us that chimpanzees are much more like us than we thought. But above all, she taught us to know them, love them and protect them.

Category: All >> Childish

Book: Jane Goodall

ISBN: 9788417822118
Precio de lista: $249.00
Descuento: 10%