Johann Sebastian Bach

Los días, las ideas y los libros

Johann Sebastian Bach - Ramón Andrés - Acantilado
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Johann Sebastian Bach left a library of just over eighty books including titles of theology and spirituality had-or so certified by the inventory made at his death, and that constituted, it is conceivable that other texts with a space daily intimacy and reflection. Contemporary of Newton and Leibniz, his music was created at a crucial moment of the ideology of the West, and this is reflected in its unprecedented ability to absorb proposals from Reason and spirit and transform them into an art of unusual intellectual and human penetration. Who was the reader of these works, their situation in Leipzig-City would be his final destiny, what role had musicians then, who surrounded him, why you made certain decisions, how it influenced his character the presence of death how he faced the concepts of time and eternity, what were their fears of an economic nature are, among others, issues more

Category: All >> Music >> Composers

Book: Johann Sebastian Bach

ISBN: 9788496136960
Precio de lista: $715.00
Descuento: 25%