
Por una teoría psicoanalítica del psicodrama

Jugar-gozar -  AA.VV. - Gedisa
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Weight: 13.1 g

Gennie and Paul Lemoine two analysts Cause Moreno Freudienne have reread in light of Freud and Lacan. In his conception of psychodrama have particular impact identification processes and the role the scopic function of the group, and the distinction between reality and the real, the imaginary and the symbolic. His thesis laid out in numerous essays and articles published especially in Bulletin of the SPT, revue de Psychodrame Théorique et Pratique du Psychdrame (SEPT) founded by their acts and has members and supporters in France, Italy, Algeria, Belgium, Canada and Spain . Gedisa has released the body of doctrine of these authors, his work Theory of Psychodrama


Book: Jugar-gozar

ISBN: 8474321085
Precio de lista: $460.00
Descuento: 20%