Komma, Punkt Und Alle Anderen Satzzeichen

Coma, punto y todos los demás signos de puntuación: la guía de puntuación

Komma, Punkt Und Alle Anderen Satzzeichen -  AA.VV. - DUDEN
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Soft cover

When is there a comma after "that means"? Do you put a period at the end of footnotes? Do the period and comma come before or after the quotation mark? - In this guide you will find everything you need to know about commas, periods and all other punctuation marks; even the most difficult cases of doubt are solved here. Practical examples illustrate each rule - particularly helpful: the tables for commas in conjunctions. The detailed index makes it easy for you to find the answer to your question.

Category: All >> Languages >> German

Book: Komma, Punkt Und Alle Anderen Satzzeichen

ISBN: 9783411744930