Dido para Eneas (2da edición)

Dido para Eneas (2da edición) - María García Esperón - El Naranjo
Publisher name: 
El Naranjo
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

After the death of her father and the murder of her husband, Dido must regain strength to found a new city and deal with the loving siege of Jarbas, king of the Libyan tribe of the ghetules. When the Trojan hero Aeneas arrives at the newly erected port of Carthage, his queen, Dido, immediately falls in love with him. For a time they enjoy each other's love, but the gods, with their capricious designs, have other plans. Get to know this story told by the protagonist as you delve into one of the most exciting episodes of the Aeneid.


Book: Dido para Eneas (2da edición)

ISBN: 9786078442638