La arqueología reconstructiva y el factor didáctico

La arqueología reconstructiva y el factor didáctico -  AA.VV. - Trea
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"In Europe and the United States there is a proliferation of archaeological sites that occur to fully or partially reconstructed public. This practice is normal in many countries, is heavily disputed in others. This confrontation in favor or against the archaeological reconstructions is which justifies a debate on what sites can start rebuilding, under what conditions and with what criteria would be desirable to intervene in order to ensure, on the one hand, the conservation of the sites, preserving its authenticity, and, secondly, to stimulate scientific research of an experimental nature and rigor in its didactic presentation and to comply with the obligation of all equipment of this type, which is simply to generate knowledge.

The necessary debate on what to do in the future leads the authors of this essay to discuss mainly the validity of the reconstructions in situ. more


Book: La arqueología reconstructiva y el factor didáctico

ISBN: 9788497046206
Precio de lista: $615.00
Descuento: 25%