In "The African Adventure" Fernando Savater invites the reader not to consider the adventure as an exotic alternative to the gray vulgarity of each day, encouraging him instead to face the prospect of risk and wonder that throws on the everyday. In his pages the author returns on his ethical notion of adventure, or adventure of ethics, in an essay on Africa and the literature of some who, like him, were bewitched by their mysteries. This is the case of Percival Christopher Wren with his "Beau geste", "unforgettable portrait of a handful of marginalized, harassed to the despair by an invisible enemy and the criminal indifference of the African desert"; Of Sir Henry Rider Haggard and the adventures of Allan Quatermain, in which he feels like nowhere "the delightful lash of well-told adventure, of intrigue and risk, daring and self-denial"; Of Henryk Sienkiewicz's "descriptive more