La barca silenciosa

La barca silenciosa - Pascal Quignard - Arena libros
Publisher name: 
Arena libros
Year of publication: 
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At one time (1994) Pascal Quignard left all his occupations, which were many, prestigious and lucrativas- and decided not to devote more than reading and writing. Books then starts a company called Last kingdom literary series of books which extends according to a plan that he intended no end "set of books where I know I will die," he says. That is, collection of books designed to contain both his life and his death, where he will end and will end with him.

The silent boat is its sixth installment. His first lines abstract memorably extent of their commitment and career ". Habré spent my life in search words that I lacked" From that dreadful perfect future, the "man of letters" that there are questions not defined so much by the words as a teacher dominates but that are missing. Because words interested silence his lack provides. Words "fade away, jump, run away, they lose more


Book: La barca silenciosa

ISBN: 9788415757054