La brutalidad utilitaria

Ensayos sobre economía política de la violencia

La brutalidad utilitaria - Daniel Inclán - Akal
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Soft paste

In recent decades, the spread of violence in Latin America has been accompanied by a large number of investigations that try to explain it. Most analyzes continue to privilege exceptionality, the contingent, the abnormal. This extends the idea of violence as something that happens in impoverished or backward regions. Contrary to these interpretations, this book offers a set of studies that analyze violence as a generalized process in which forces (physical, epistemic, psychological, symbolic) are combined with the aim of producing material differences in collective environments. The critique of violence is based on its historical analysis, it is studied as a procedure inscribed in power relations, which functions to articulate collective interactions. The essays in this book explain the materiality of violence as a result of social communities, which depending on historical movements more

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Book: La brutalidad utilitaria

ISBN: 9786078683611
Precio de lista: $535.00
Descuento: 15%