La ciencia del ritmo

La ciencia del ritmo - Paul Dennis Miller - Dobra Robota Editora
Publisher name: 
Dobra Robota Editora
Soft cover

The science of rhythm is an exploration of culture as narrative and the constant re-contextualization of its elements, of "the same changing" and repetition as the center of modern thought. Through the aesthetics of sampling, Paul D. Miller will think of the concepts of culture, writing, DJing and mix as texts / fabrics that enable deconstructive accounts of the conventional categories of copy and original, race and class hierarchy: stories that lead to other stories , branches and flows that dilute binary logic. The sample, as a fundamental piece of the sound collage, will be the vector capable of infiltrating and spreading memories like viruses, allowing the re-experimentation of sensations and subjectivities that escape the control of any government and its entertainment industries. The objective: to transcend the geographical and mental limits to arrive at a multiplex more

Category: All >> Music >> Theory

Book: La ciencia del ritmo

ISBN: 9789874740939