La Condición ambigua

Diálogos con Lluís Duch

La Condición ambigua - Albert Chillón - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 395 g

Neither angel nor beast, known as the Judgement of Blaise Pascal, the human being has a nature Preda and conclusive, but a historical condition and contingent, multifaceted and ambiguous. As much as is omnipotent and infinite dream is doomed to exist in scarcity, uncertainty and imperfection, and his life is an open and unpredictable drama that the torch just a thought at once lucid and logical and mythical cordial rational and sentient, effective and affective, is able to illuminate._x000D_
To do so does not, however, definitive truths, but only questions that lead to answers always provisional, engender new questions. Like Socrates, Plato and Goethe as seen by Eckermann, dialogue, then, is a minor mode of human knowledge, but a journey towards the ever more fragile and possible knowledge concerning: a maieutics doubts and enlightening suggestions, reservations more


Book: La Condición ambigua

ISBN: 9788425427374
Precio de lista: $800.00
Descuento: 30%