La Dieta del diabético y su cocina 

La Dieta del diabético y su cocina  - Josep M. Calvet - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 520 g

Food plays a major role in the life of a diabetic. It is therefore necessary that the patient and family know some basic principles of nutrition and can apply in day to day. This book gives the keys to achieving this. The first part explains briefly the criteria that determine a proper diet and nutritional components present-sugars, fats and proteins, vitamins ...- according to their effects and their use in the kitchen of the diabetic. It also addresses some specific aspects such as diet or years old and pregnant women with diabetes, and presents the most common diets. The second part offers a cookbook that offers the patient a range of healthy and tasty dishes, easy to make at home. Goes hand? Ado of a section of tips on how to prepare and cook various foods, what tools are needed and how herbs and spices can be flavored meals. Thus, the patient and their families will find this more


Book: La Dieta del diabético y su cocina 

ISBN: 8425414393
Precio de lista: $960.00
Descuento: 30%