La energía espiritual

La energía espiritual - Henri Bergson - Cactus
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In spiritual Energy, published in 1919, and brings together conferences that start with the century, will be a first intuition of Bergson that organizes its course: it must exceed the data of the real (read, their cut, their appearance). However, in the antipodes of idealism Platonic type, that is not beyond find over reality, archetypes or always transcendent, but underneath, in the depths of the real itself, in its virtual immanent ideal forms.
From that first intuition, Bergson shows such duplicity (deployment of a uniqueness) acting in the most diverse phenomena: moral, intellectual life, memory ... says Bergson, our present existence, as it unfolds in time, and doubles with a virtual existence, perception and memory side by side.
But they also appear in this book experiences as sleep, memory disorders, false recognition (the famous "remember this"), including more



Book: La energía espiritual

ISBN: 9789872621957
Precio de lista: $460.00
Descuento: 20%