La isla desierta y otros textos

Textos y entrevistas (1953-1974)

La isla desierta y otros textos - Gilles Deleuze - Pre-Textos
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This first volume contains almost all of the texts of Gilles Deleuze published in France and elsewhere between 1953 and 1974, from the appearance of "Empiricism and Subjectivity", his first work, to the debates that followed the publication of "The Anti-Oedipus", written with Félix Guattari. The collection consists mainly of articles, papers, prefaces, interviews or lectures already published, but not on any other work of Deleuze. A second volume contains the texts of 1975-1995, entitled "Two crazy schemes and other texts." "What's happier than air time? It is also my topic than I involuntarily food. It's what I've been looking for, but without explicitly in all the authors I admire. There are now many deep studies . These concepts of difference and repetition I like to participate in it and finally raise the question:?. How to do this in philosophy seek a "vitality" Until more


Book: La isla desierta y otros textos

ISBN: 848191651X
Precio de lista: $955.00
Descuento: 25%