La izquierda que asaltó el algoritmo

Fraternidad y digna rabia en tiempos del big data

La izquierda que asaltó el algoritmo - Juan Carlos Monedero - Prometeo
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What does it mean to be left-wing when the philosopher Habermas and the Mao of the Cultural Revolution, Stalin and Olof Palme, the generous Pasionara and the interested Felipe González, the defiant Frida Kahlo and the guerrilla Che Guevara, the Bolshevik Kollontai and the honest Dilma Roussef, the sober López Obrador and Subcomandante Marcos, the passionate Rosa Luxemburg and the opportunist Willy Brandt, the founder of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, and the genocidaire of the Iraq war, Toni Blair. What does it mean to be left-wing when social democratic parties apply neoliberalism, live in the IMF, wage wars, rescue banks and multinationals, punish the environment or deny human rights? The 20th century left faced real enemies in factories, fields, streets and parliaments. He stormed the heavens and brought the best of our societies. Today, in audiovisually saturated societies, algorithms, more

Category: All >> Ciencias sociales >> Política

Book: La izquierda que asaltó el algoritmo

ISBN: 9789875749962
Precio de lista: $390.00
Descuento: 10%