La locura

La locura - Rafael Huertas - Catarata
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Soft cover

No disease exists until it is perceived, named and defined. Madness, quintessential transgression, is no exception. Throughout history it has always been explained according to beliefs, norms and dominant ideas in each type of society; that is, it is the collective that manufactures its meaning, that determines which behaviors are "strings" and which are not. Thus a process is created with dynamics that, beyond the limits of medicine, come to permeate myths, philosophy, religion or art. Based on this conception of madness as a socio-cultural construction, this book describes the origin of many of the stigmas that continue to fuel our imagination on mental disorders. A journey that explores the bonds that have been established between madness and genius, evil, sexuality or poverty, to offer a vision of the different ways of understanding it, and of acting on it, over the centuries. more


Book: La locura

ISBN: 9788483199114
Precio de lista: $500.00
Descuento: 25%