La Monogamia al Desnudo

Notas para una critica feminista

La Monogamia al Desnudo -  AA.VV. - Waldhuter
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Weight: 300 g
Soft cover

Monogamy naked. Notes for a feminist critique brings together recent works by the authors on the notion of monogamy. The question is also part of broader research on some lines of feminism and contemporary political philosophy that, as a group, they have carried out. As a general objective, this work proposes to consider this multiplicity of meanings and functions of the monogamous mandate as a unifying and organizing ideal of gendered subjectivity. Each of the articles is dedicated to thematizing some of the conceptual lines implied in monogamous representation: the questioning of the scientific justifications of the monogamous love experience by neuroscience, the analysis of monogamy as a moral and institutional norm, the ideal of romantic love, the ways of conceiving and practicing kinship, or the consideration of a symbolic disorder that would contribute to altering the more

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Book: La Monogamia al Desnudo

ISBN: 9789874916266