La música clásica de la India

Râga sangîta en la tradición vocal e instrumental del norte

La música clásica de la India - Jaime R. Pombo - Kairós
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 345.9 g
Soft cover

For a long time, the deep spiritual culture of India has aroused the general interest of the West. However, their artistic traditions, developed in close contact with this spiritual world, are still little known. This book puts at the reader's reach a general understanding as well as detailed and rigorous about the classical music of the north of India. Both technical aspects - in chapters dedicated to melodies (rāga), rhythms (tāla) or formal descriptions of the main musical genres - are exposed, as are other dimensions of the Indian musical fact of a more cultural, historical or social nature. The whole is a fascinating immersion - which, intelligently, avoids a too technical musicological language and analysis - in the artistic and spiritual depths of Indian classical music. A true milestone in the Spanish language.


Book: La música clásica de la India

ISBN: 9788499884691
Precio de lista: $560.00
Descuento: 15%