After a life consecrated to bring human beings to the world, the midwife Consuelo Hess Theodore discovers that she wishes with all her heart to help them die, so that once retired and in the same hospital where she has always worked, she carries unusual instruments - a harp Celtic, a crystal flute, a gold ring to make soap bubbles, with the permission of the families of the dying and the consent of these, he sings lullabies to them, tells stories and gives smiles. But above all things, it induces the patients through the iridescent bubbles of soap to travel with them to the region of their best dreams and the memories of their loved ones. Where the priest retires, the shaman appears. The ritual of dying vanished, the tremendous poetry of the transit is discovered.
Novel that honors friendship and reflects on vocation and destiny. It surprises by its freshness at the same time a...read more