La música y el cerebro

La música y el cerebro - Jean-Paul Despins - Gedisa
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This work provides a summary of recent findings on brain functioning in various forms of musical activity. From brain processes involved, the author illuminates the difficulties of musical learning of children.
For the first time neurologically explains the impossibility of children's adaptation to specific modes of musical learning. Assuming that a perfectly balanced human being operated alternately or simultaneously the two cerebral hemispheres, the author advocates a diversified pedagogy that fits the different learning styles of children. His view is that children do not exist to meet the educational standards, but they must be modified according to the needs of children, especially to the extent that neurological knowledge expands.

Key issues as factors that explain the asymmetry of the hemispheres, the incidence of socioeconomic and cultural influences, the more


Book: La música y el cerebro

ISBN: 847432355
Precio de lista: $420.00
Descuento: 20%