La naturaleza de la realidad

El nuevo mapa del cosmos y la conciencia

La naturaleza de la realidad - Ervin Laszlo - Kairós
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Book size:
Soft cover

The Nature of Reality is Ervin Laszlo's intellectual synthesis, the result of half a century of passionate studies on the meaning and purpose of existence.

Laszlo offers us nothing more and nothing less than a new paradigm of reality; a vision that conceives the cosmos as a unitary, seamless form, based on a unique and coherent consciousness, manifest in all of us.

Combining science, philosophy and metaphysics, the author takes the classic dichotomies of body/mind, spirit/matter or being/non-being, to show that we are all part of an infinite cycle of existence that unfolds in space-time and beyond.

The text is accompanied by fascinating contributions from a dozen thinkers (such as Stanley Krippner, Tulku Thondup, Kingsley Dennis, Gary Zukav or Jean Houston), as well as a prologue by Deepak Chopra and an introduction by Stanislav Grof.


Category: All >> Neuroscience

Book: La naturaleza de la realidad

ISBN: 9788499885773
Precio de lista: $580.00
Descuento: 15%