La ópera flotante

El final del camino

La ópera flotante - John Barth - Sexto Piso
Publisher name: 
Sexto Piso
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 816.5 g

After the publication of The Tobacco Planter and Giles, the goat boy, Sixth Floor rescues in a single volume the first two novels of John Barth, The Floating Opera and The End of the Road, which have many points in common: both can be considered novels philosophical in which an existentialist fatalism and a nihilism prevail in part debtors of Sartre, Camus and the postwar Zeitgeist, although they are not exempt (to the delight of the readers) of an evident load of humor and irony, mark of the house; in both there is a more than peculiar love triangle and both are written in a style that, although striking and original, full of intelligence and virtuosity, is rather realistic as opposed to the overflowing and playful incursions into the metafiction that we would see in later works of Barth and that would become the hallmark of the author.

 Thus, this rescue is doubly necessary: more


Book: La ópera flotante

ISBN: 9788416677559
Precio de lista: $550.00
Descuento: 15%