La Psicoterapia al alcance de todos

La Psicoterapia al alcance de todos - Viktor E. Frankl - Herder
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Weight: 195 g

Psychotherapy available to everyone is a compilation and expansion of radio conferences of the past twenty (?) Years, whose impact on the audience has been so great that most of them have had to be repeated, again finding the same echo. This book offers, along with the language of an entertaining speech, two different things: first, an exhibition of psychiatrists and psychotherapists issues fundamental todosd understood the problems that brings such a venture, without emphasizing the orientation of no school, on the other side - something unique in the psychiatric literature of our time - "a psychotherapy into the microphone." What to read on these pages is a bit mental health practice. Frankl has shown that it can make some difficult issues understandable, but without being superficial or favor one's own errors unfortunate popularization. The lectures are interesting, no doubt, they more


Book: La Psicoterapia al alcance de todos

ISBN: 8425412919
Precio de lista: $625.00
Descuento: 30%