La querencia del cine mexicano

La querencia del cine mexicano - Jorge Ayala Blanco - ENAC
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 0.59 g
Soft cover

Eighteenth installment of the famous "Abecedario del cine mexicano" which exclusively presents unpublished material from the ongoing research of the most experienced film critic in our country in which he meticulously weaves the panorama of Mexican cinema through the analysis, film by film, of more than a hundred works produced between 2016 and 2020, many of them seen on digital platforms and others exhibited in person in theaters during the uncertainty of the beginning of the 2020 pandemic.


Book: La querencia del cine mexicano

ISBN: 9786073058452
Precio de lista: $240.00
Descuento: 20%