National University Award 2006 in the area of Teaching in Arts, he has been since 1963 hebdomadario tenured critic in the cultural sections of Novedades, Siempre!, Excelsior, El Nacional, and still today in the newspaper El Financiero, in addition to collaborating in various Mexican and foreign publications. He was a fellow of the Mexican Center of Writers in 1965-1966. She developed 96 programs of the musicological series Women composers in Radio Education between 1981-1982. He has served as a jury in festivals such as Rio de Janeiro, Viña del Mar, Cartagena, Lodz, Huelva, Berlin and Lima, among others. He is a member of the National System of Researchers from 1988 to date. Academic Dean of the CUEC, where he is a full-time professor, teaching since 1964 the subjects of History of Cinematographic Language, Cinematographic Analysis and Analysis of Cinematographic Styles, and member of the Editorial Committee of the journal Estudios Cinematográficos, between 1994 and 2009. He is the author, among others, of the series of books known as "the alphabet of Mexican cinema" that began with La aventura..., in 1968, and whose tenth installment is La justeza..., and of the series of books on foreign cinema that includes Falaces fenonos fílmicos (1981), A salto de imágenes (1988), El cine, juego de estructuras (2002), El cine actual: challenge and passion/ keywords / nuclear verbs (2003-2009), as well as prologues (especially El gallo de oro by Juan Rulfo), chapters in collective books, pamphlets and translations. In 2011 he received the Salvador Toscano Medal for Cinematographic Merit awarded by the Cineteca Nacional, the Carmen Toscano Foundation and the Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences, and together with María Luisa Amador the Medal of the Filmoteca de la UNAM 2011, in recognition of the investigation of the Cinematographic Billboard 1912-1989.