La lucidez del cine mexicano

La lucidez del cine mexicano - Jorge Ayala Blanco - ENAC
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 0.622 g
Soft cover

The twelfth installment of the already canonical alphabet of national cinema is made up of analytical texts, equally rigorous and supported theoretically and methodologically by the rich baggage of one of the researchers and critics with greater recognition and trajectory in Mexico. Composed entirely of unpublished texts, La lucidez del cine mexicano probes unexplored aspects of the national film phenomenon that goes from 2013 to 2014 and ends up giving an account of an edge of the cultural panorama, in whose "limit, the lucidity and flashes of lucidity of current Mexican cinema are rescued, because it has already become useless, futile and idle and unnecessary, to demolish the demolished."


Book: La lucidez del cine mexicano

ISBN: 9786070289484