Zorba el griego

(Vida y andanzas de Alexis Zorba)

Zorba el griego - Nikos Kazantzakis - Acantilado
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 1542.2 g

This novel written between 1941 and 1943, which inspired the film starring Anthony Quinn and Irene Papas, tells the story of Zorba, a simple man and passionate about life that reveals his unique sense of freedom, love and courage: "If today I had to choose a spiritual guide around the world, a guru as the Indians call it [...], I would surely choose Zorba. Because he had what a scribbler needs to save himself: the primal look that, from a crush, catches its prey in flight; the creative instinct, each renewed morning, to always look at everything as if it were for the first time, returning the virginity to the eternal elements-wind, sea, fire, woman, bread-of our daily life ». An impetuous book, passionate and full of life, that draws us to that original feeling of fullness that only real literature can achieve.


Book: Zorba el griego

ISBN: 9788416011728
Precio de lista: $845.00
Descuento: 25%