La justeza del cine mexicano

La justeza del cine mexicano - Jorge Ayala Blanco - ENAC
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Weight: 0.5 g
Soft cover

The fairness of Mexican cinema becomes true, accurate and diverse, a celestial current apocalyptic fable that runs as follows. Once upon a time there was an exhibition governed by the Band of Four (composed of representatives of the infamous Cinemex, Cinépolis, Cinemark and Lumiere chains), so called because it was composed of four anonymous faceless and interchangeable omnipotent beings representing each of the large exhibition chains operating in the country, and they sat together. harmoniously and routinely several times a week, to see and analyze the possibilities, conditions and premiere rooms, of all the Mexican films just finished (or patiently standing in line for one or two years) and received from the hands of the distributors to define their destiny, because this was decided, with full liberality, caprice and illegality, the number of acceptable and accepted copies of more


Book: La justeza del cine mexicano

ISBN: 9786070258237